Over the past few years, it seems bath bombs have been popping up at every skincare and spa retailer out there. With their soothing scents and fun fizzy effect, it’s no wonder bath bombs are such a huge hit. But why waste time or money at the store when you can make your own bath bombs at home? Gather up a few common household ingredients, along with your favorite essential oils, and settle in for the best soak of your life with this simple DIY.

Here’s what you’ll need:

1 cup citric acid

1 cup baking soda

½ cup cornstarch

½ cup melted coconut oil

8-10 drops of essential oil(s)

Silicone molds or paper cupcake liners

Food coloring (optional)

  1. In a medium size bowl, mix together all of your dry ingredients (citric acid, baking soda, and cornstarch) and set aside.
  2. If you’re using food coloring, now would be the time to add it into the dry ingredients. I found that using your hands is the way to go in terms of mixing. Start with just a few drops, and work up to the color intensity you’d like.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine your oils. While stirring, gradually add these to the bowl of dry ingredients. If you pour too quickly, the liquid will create a reaction with the citric acid.
  4. Use your hands to knead everything together inside of the bowl until your ingredients start to clump together. The result should feel almost like damp sand while building a sandcastle.
  5. Scoop the mixture into whichever mold you’re using, and pack it down tight. The back of a spoon works perfectly to press your mixture in place.
  6. Let your bath bombs dry for at least 24 hours, and they’ll be ready to go!

Kaila Homes | Beauty Bartender

Kaila is a west coast wanderer nestled in the heart of Washington State. She describes herself as an online shopping extraordinaire, lover of life, and makeup hoarder. She also enjoys doing DIY projects, sharing a good laugh over coffee, and spending time with her daughter, Ava. You will most likely find Kaila behind a camera lens, exploring the great outdoors, or writing for her new lifestyle blog,
Instagram: @kailagrayce

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